Tuesday 27 June 2017

Fairfields Farm

Daisy still has a few jobs to finish, but we managed to get away for a Retro Caravan Club rally! 

Its safe to say we all had a lot of fun!

I was so excited to get back out in Daisy, it feels like this round of works on her have taken forever!!

Last time we pulled Daisy, she looked like a shed, peeling paint and full of dents. This time, with her new paint and almost finished I was even more proud to be pulling our little wobbly box along. (We haven't waxed her yet!)

The site was quite close, so we left straight after school kick out and headed off. 

All week, it has been baking hot sun shine, but arriving on the site we where meet with wind and clouds full of rain, just waiting to drop! 

Our awning, its flipping amazing!! We all love it!!

My husband and I, are not really fans of going to zoos and farms. We don't like to see animals, stuck behind little cages. So we were a little unsure of what Fairfields Farm would be like to camp at. The mini's loved it!! It didn't feel like they where unhappy in little cages too. There where pigs (our mini's favorite) donkeys, goats, chickens, ducks, peacocks, rabbits, geese and a turkey!

The minis loved the pigs best of all, and all the ducks. They would follow you around and come right up to the awning. Very cute! You could walk straight from your caravan/tent, through the gate to see all the animals. There was a little hand washing station just by the gate and a lovely walk around all the animals and lake. A lovely little walk and great to leave straight from the van to do it. 

On with the raincoats, and off to see the animals. 

The minis, took a little while to settle into being back in the caravan and spent most of the weekend being very hectic! 

It was quite windy and cold, so needed something fatty!

This is how my Nana always made me chips, yummy! Fresh mint and rosemary from our little kitchen garden, along with sea salt and black pepper. YUM!

Be very careful making chips in a pan in a caravan! Its hot and can get a little spitty! It was worth it, along with home made bread, they where perfect on a cold windy afternoon!

I have been wanting to look around my friends awesome little Sprite 400 since he saved her from a garden. Where she had sat unloved for over 20 years!! I have written a little blog all about it and a YouTube tour, click here to read all about Betty. The minis had lots of fun trying out the bunk!!

We had a very lazy Sunday morning and let the minis watch a cartoon on the ipad. The site has free wifi and it was a really good signal. We haven't had that while we have been away before, and it was handy, as I could upload photos to our cloud as I took them, saving lots of space on my phone!  

We have some of the best sleep away in Daisy, she has a 6 x 6 foot bed and its so cozy!!

I love the Retro Caravan Club rallies, as its like stepping back in time! Lots of people walked down to look at the classic caravans. I think Daisy was one of the only caravan with colour in the whole site! The club did a great job of putting on quizs (one of which my team won!!) and a great coffee/cake morning. Arriving on a rally, is like arriving at a family reunion. You all have a common interest and lots of ready-made friends! 

We had a big convoy home, about 5 retro caravans pulling together. It was the first time we have been part of a Retro Caravan Club convoy and it was lots of fun!

The rally tag was up in the caravan as soon as we came home!! 

I cant wait for the next one.

Click the above for my vblog all about our trip! 

Link to the camping site - http://www.fairfieldsfarm.com/
Link to the Retro Caravan Club - http://retrocaravanclub.co.uk/

Sunday 25 June 2017

Sprite 400

James and Natasha's Spite 400

Betty 1973

This darling little caravan, was found unloved in a garden. Where she had sat for over 20 years!!

A few little jobs and she was back out on the road, going on holiday - even all the way to Holland! 

He did an amazing job cleaning up all the original paint work! 

It was a lot of hard work, all by hand, scrubbing off the years of mold! 

Her A-Frame had rusted right through and need to be made safe before she could get back out on the road! 

Hidden under the carpet was her amazing, orange lino! 

Taking into account that she was sitting in that garden for over 20 years, James has done an amazing job. In only just over three weeks, he got her ready to get back out on adventures.

With a lot of hard work and a few little jobs still to do. Still wearing her original coat of paint! Am sure you will agree she is looking pretty good for 44 years old. 

James Nan made her lovely curtains out of retro bed sheets! Replacing some of the peeling vinyl, rebuilding the skylight, finding her a replacement bunk, to name just a few of the jobs. James has brought her back from the mold covered forgotten caravan she was, to the little 4 berth caravan you see today! 

I have to say, James, is such a great guy who will go out of his way to help you out. He here is checking the awning he found for my (Daisy, click here to read all about her) caravan fits! 
There are not many people in the world, who are as kind and generous. 

I've meet a lot of friends through the Retro Caravan Club, but very lucky to have meet James and Natasha. We, my husband and I have made friends for life! 

James and Natasha have two caravans, this awesome little Sprite and a very rare Crown. It must be very hard not to play favorites, when picking which one to take on holiday! 

Full tour of Betty -

You know you have got the Retro Caravan bug, when you start spotting them in fields and gardens.....sometimes its worth knocking or leaving a note, as maybe, just maybe you will be as lucky as James and Natasha!

Doesn't get much better than pitching up in a little Sprite 400.

Big thank you to James and Natasha, for letting me have a look round there fab garden find!